Empire Machine Decal Guide

One of my tasks at Empire was to develop a decal guide for the employees working on rebranding the machine fleet to reference when out in the yard. This guide took about a year and consistent communication with multiple teams to ensure not only are brand standards being met but is the placement of said decal aesthetically pleasing and functional.

The process behind this guide was quite a fun learning experience as well. It involved making an editable PowerPoint deck with images of each of the machines and movable decals scaled to-size so they can be easily maneuvered when in the editing process. Then, after many months of back and forth with multiple business units, the guide was printed and digitally distributed across the territory for yard attendants to begin the process of updating the decals on each of the machines. During this time, I was still in constant communication with the necessary people it took to make this possible and made sure they all had what they needed in a timely manner to ensure the integrity of the brand.

This was one of those projects that was ever-growing, and being able to be a part of something as big as rebranding the entire machine fleet was a dream come true.




Op-Ed Illustration